Stories of
our students


Heikki Andreas Reenpää


Don Stanley John Pinto


Rodrigo Augusto Gazal Tavares


Pamela Andrea Belalcazar Monroy


Judith Arcas Tomás


Martín Westerfeld Rolla


José Angel de la Cruz Pinto


Morgana Mabel Vargas Crespo


Adriá Espinosa Miguel

Alumno MGDA

Manuel Ortega

Desarrollador de medios de prueba en AERTEC Solutions - MGDA MAD 2016-2018

Juan Pablo Vidal Manrique

Alumno MGDA

Alejandro Lopez Fernandez

Alumno MGDA

Natalia Carrasco Medina

Alumno MGDA

Rayner Leyva Vega

Alumno MGDA

Miguel Bernat Gallardo

Alumno MGDA

Pedro Asumu Nve Abegue

Alumno MGDA

Juvenal Owono

Jefe del Departamento de Servicios de Navegación Aérea de la Autoridad de Aviación Civil de Guinea Ecuatorial - MGDA UDIMA 2017-2018

Sara Gonzalez Baños

Alumno MGDA

Jaime Andrés Ramírez Mona

Alumno MGDA

Javier Lorenzo

Dirección CCO y planificación tripulaciones Iberia - MGDA 2015-2017

Pau Sendra

Fundador de WAYNABOX - MGDA MAD 2012-2014

Eliseo Llamazares

Socio KPMG - MGDA MAD 2015-2017

Álex Baró

Ancillary Revenue Manager en Volotea Airlines

Mario Gavilanes

Coordinador de planes de emergencia y operaciones - MGDA MAD 2015-2017

Mariela Paredes

Directora de RRHH ADC HAS - MGDA 2015-2017

Antonio Cristovao

Director del Aeropuerto de Benguela, Angola MGDA 2016-2018

David Franco

AERTEC Solutions - MGDA MAD 2016-2018

Pablo García

APRON Management Service en INECO - MGDA 2015-2017

Alejandro Montoya

Grado en Derecho - MGDA MAD 2017-2019

Justino Bayeme

Jefe del Departamento de Aeródromos y Navegación de la Autoridad de Aviación Civil de Guinea Ecuatorial - MGDA 2017-2018

Steven Brocos

Technical Product Owner at Emirates - MGDA MAD 2016-2018

Kazuki Motoyoshi, Tokyo (Japan) is another example of a successful student of ITAérea’s Master in Sustainable Air Transport Management MATSM co-delivered with the United Nations. We had the chance to ask Kazuki his impressions about ITAérea and how the MATSM has influenced his role as......

Vira is another example of a successful student. Airline Captain and student of ITAérea’s Master in Sustainable Air Transport Management MATSM co-delivered with the United Nations. We had the chance to ask Vira his impressions about the MATSM and the sustainability of the air transport.......