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Inicio MATSM 2 1024x671 1 - Today, October 7, 2019, the Master in Sustainable Air Transport Management begins, taught jointly between ITAérea Aeronautical Business School and the United Nations

Today, October 7, 2019, the Master in Sustainable Air Transport Management begins, taught jointly between ITAérea Aeronautical Business School and the United Nations


With the sustainable management of air transport as the main pillar, today October 7, 2019 has started the Master in Sustainable Air Transport Management (MATSM), taught jointly by ITAérea Aeronautical Business School and the United Nations (UNITAR).

The MATSM, whose teaching period is 12 months, is currently the only existing postgraduate in sustainable air transport management.

The 2019-2020 edition of the MATSM has begun with a massive participation by students from countries such as the United States, Brazil, Kuwait, Mexico, Costa Rica, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Kenya, Spain and much more.

The teaching staff is composed of professionals from the air sector who hold senior management positions in companies and international institutions of first level. Thus, the offshoring of the teachers in this postgraduate program gives it an outstanding international character.

The MATSM is composed of 5 modules plus a Master Thesis. Each of the 5 modules is identified with a business sector included in air transport: airports, airlines, aeronautical law, air navigation and the aeronautical industry. Each module covers topics of vital importance in aeronautical and airport management such as airport business, airport infrastructure, sustainable construction, airport efficiency, airline structure and organization, airline operations and their sustainability , handling, air cargo, etc.

The diploma of the Master in Sustainable Air Transport Management will be issued by ITAérea Aeronautical Business School in collaboration with UNITAR (UN) and the graduation ceremony will take place at the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.


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