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ITAerea appoints Mr. Javier Gándara as Honorary President

ITAerea appoints Mr. Javier Gándara as Honorary President


Last November, upon the proposal of the General Management of the School, Mr. Javier Gándara accepted the appointment as Honorary President of the School, who will contribute his particular vision on the management and direction of airlines at the highest level.

This highest level honorary position is awarded to Mr. Gándara, General Director of easyJet for Southern Europe and President of ALA, in recognition of his professional work both within ITAérea and in the air transport sector, in which he has demonstrated high abilities of efficient management and exemplary leadership, especially in the most exceptional and pressing circumstances that have been experienced in recent years.

We must acknowledge Mr. Gándara’s extensive teaching career at ITAérea, along with his innovative spirit and proactive mindset in the development of training projects linked especially to innovation and sustainability in air transport. Likewise, Mr. Javier is the author of the book Revolución en los Cielos: claves del éxito de las aerolíneas de bajo coste (Revolution in the Skies: keys to the success of low-cost airlines), edited by ITAérea Editorial, and a frequent collaborator for various national publications.

In this way, among the functions of Mr. Javier as Honorary President and together with the representative nature of the honorary position, are the global coordination of the School’s sustainability area; providing teaching staff, technical knowledge in the review of existing programs and the creation of new ones in line with the strategic objectives of the School.

Finally, we would like to thank Mr. Javier for accepting the aforementioned position and wish him the greatest success in all his future projects.

Mr. Javier Gándara is President of the Association of Airlines (ALA) and General Director of easyJet for Southern Europe. Before joining easyJet, he worked as Senior Manager for Spain and Portugal at the international company FedEX. In 2007 Javier was appointed director of operations for easyJet in Spain, and this was his position until 1 May 2011, when he became general director of easyJet for Spain and Portugal.

Javier graduated in aeronautical engineering from the UPM (Polytechnic University of Madrid), he is also a graduate in Business Administration and Management from the UNED and has an Executive MBA from the IE Business School, as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in Air Transport Management from the City University of London. He is the author of the book Revolución en los Cielos: claves del éxito de las aerolíneas de bajo coste, published by ITAérea Editorial.


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